
Property Waterfalls

Selva Escondida has an average rainfall of 4,000-5,000 mm (157-197 inches), concentrated during the rainy seasons from mid-May through late-November. Selva Escondida has steep terrain. The combination of these two facts means there are many water ways including some small waterfalls and canyoning too.


Cascada Verde

Cascada Verde in Uvita is an easily accessible waterfall. Drive towards Uvita and turn left on the road right before the first BM supermarket. Continue on the dirt road for a while until you see a sign for Cascada Verde. There is a $2 charge to get to these falls.


Nauyaca Falls

Nauyaca Falls is beautiful but it’s hard to get to. The most common way is to go on horses. We can arrange for a local family that has a farm and gives horseback tours to Nauyaca with meals.